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Cambridge Interfaith Programme

Read more at: Job opportunity: CIP Administrator (part time)
Hands on laptop keyboard

Job opportunity: CIP Administrator (part time)

12 March 2024

Are you organised and efficient? Do you have excellent interpersonal and administrative skills? Would you like to support research and outreach in the domain of interfaith relations? The Cambridge Interfaith Programme is recruiting a part-time administrator to work closely with our Programme Manager and Academic Director...

Read more at: Call for papers: Rupture and Reconciliation
A tiny green plant springs up in the space left by a broken tile.

Call for papers: Rupture and Reconciliation

4 March 2024

Cambridge Interfaith Research Forum Student Symposium, 14 June 2024 Religious life is characterised in equal parts by rupture—where concepts and commitments are stretched, broken down, and re-imagined, and reconciliation—where concepts and commitments are re-formulated, brought together, and harmonised. This student-led...

Read more at: Statement: Concern for the Inter Faith Network

Statement: Concern for the Inter Faith Network

20 February 2024

The Cambridge Interfaith Programme is proud to be a member of the Inter Faith Network for the UK and profoundly disappointed that the Government has withdrawn its funding offer. Below are extracts from two letters addressed to the Minister for Faith and Communities and the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and...

Read more at: Scarcity and agency: Youth Interfaith Summit, take 2
Meandering water with green algae and rushes

Scarcity and agency: Youth Interfaith Summit, take 2

18 February 2024

Earlier this month, the Cambridge Interfaith Programme sponsored two University of Cambridge students to attend a Youth Interfaith Summit addressing the intersection of faith and climate. By return, we asked each of them to reflect on the event and how it connects with their current studies. Noah Rouse is a final-year...

Read more at: Youth Interfaith Summit report: “a blessing just to live”

Youth Interfaith Summit report: “a blessing just to live”

14 February 2024

As part of CIP’s commitment to global challenges, we sponsored two University of Cambridge students to attend a Youth Interfaith Summit on “Faith and climate for a sustainable future”. The event was organised by the Faith & Belief Forum together with the LSE Faith Centre. Arbah Azhar, a first-year PhD student, reflects...

Read more at: Preview: World Interfaith Harmony Events — February 2024
Butterfly-shaped World Interfaith Harmony Week logo with heading "Highlights"

Preview: World Interfaith Harmony Events — February 2024

31 January 2024

Proposed by H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan and adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2010, 2024 sees the 14th World Interfaith Harmony Week. Based on the pioneering initiative A Common Word calling for Christian and Muslim leaders to work together, it is intended to provide a focal point to recognise common values and...

Read more at: Research news: “Religion may have helped during COVID”
Screenshot of BBC News website with headline "Cambridge University studies claim religion may have helped during Covid"

Research news: “Religion may have helped during COVID”

30 January 2024

Cambridge research indicates the difference made by religion during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sriya Iyer, Professor of Economics and a member of the Cambridge Interfaith Research Forum, is co-author of two recently-released studies. A Cambridge Working Paper in Economics , issued this week, draws information from nearly 4,000...

Read more at: Event report: Changing faces of nationalism
NEWS: Entangled and Disentangled Otherings project awarded DAAD-Cambridge funding

Event report: Changing faces of nationalism

22 January 2024

In December, the Cambridge Interfaith Programme co-hosted a fifth event in the series Religion, ethnicity, and politics in German, Dutch and Anglo-American contexts: nationalism and the future of democracy. This participatory research workshop was organised jointly by Sophia Johnson (Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge), Dr...

Read more at: Call for papers: Islamophobia, antisemitism and philosemitism after October 7
NEWS: Entangled and Disentangled Otherings project awarded DAAD-Cambridge funding

Call for papers: Islamophobia, antisemitism and philosemitism after October 7

17 January 2024

The organisers of the 2024 Entangled Otherings workshop invite responses to this call for papers: There is nothing new, in essence, about social tensions concerning monitoring, speech and silence surrounding Islamophobia and antisemitism in Germany, much of the Western world, and elsewhere; indeed, it has been clear to...

Read more at: Out now: January newsletter
Opening section from January eNews, with logos and greeting--New year, new shoots.

Out now: January newsletter

17 January 2024

Our quarterly update entered inboxes this morning. Non-subscribers can view this and other updates in the MailChimp archive, or download a PDF copy below. These mailings provide an overview of upcoming events, highlight news and activities, and promote opportunities to engage with the Cambridge Interfaith Programme’s work...

Latest news

New study: Muslim masculinities

16 July 2024

Muslims are often stereotyped as oppressors of women. The stereotype is powerful enough to have produced targeted education for Muslim boys in Germany. In a new joint article for the journal Men and Masculinities, Esra Özyürek and Jacob Lypp document contradictions in the masculine ideal represented in such education.

Event report: Rupture and Reconciliation

10 July 2024

Last month, on June 14, 2024, CIP was glad to host a one-day student symposium entitled “Rupture and Reconciliation”. Lia Kornmehl and Dr. Hina Khalid, of the Faculty of...

Event report: The Homeric Centos as intercultural text

28 June 2024

On 19th June 2024, the Cambridge Interfaith Programme and the Faculty of Divinity hosted a book launch for Dr Anna Lefteratou’s recent monograph The Homeric Centos: Homer and...