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Cambridge Interfaith Programme


This project explores the dynamics and symbolism of Muslim conversions to Christianity in Turkey and in Europe.

Principal Investigator

Professor Esra Özyürek


Esra Özyürek, “Convert Alert: Turkish Christians and German Muslims as Threats to National Security in the New Europe” Comparative Studies in Society and History 51(1): 91-116, 2009.

Esra Özyürek, “Turkish and Christian: Secularist Fears of a Converted Nation” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 29(3): 398-412, 2009.

Latest news

New study: Muslim masculinities

16 July 2024

Muslims are often stereotyped as oppressors of women. The stereotype is powerful enough to have produced targeted education for Muslim boys in Germany. In a new joint article for the journal Men and Masculinities, Esra Özyürek and Jacob Lypp document contradictions in the masculine ideal represented in such education.

Event report: Rupture and Reconciliation

10 July 2024

Last month, on June 14, 2024, CIP was glad to host a one-day student symposium entitled “Rupture and Reconciliation”. Lia Kornmehl and Dr. Hina Khalid, of the Faculty of...

Event report: The Homeric Centos as intercultural text

28 June 2024

On 19th June 2024, the Cambridge Interfaith Programme and the Faculty of Divinity hosted a book launch for Dr Anna Lefteratou’s recent monograph The Homeric Centos: Homer and...