This project explores how Islamic, secular, and nationalist worldviews compete with each other in the political sphere.
Principal Investigator
Professor Esra Özyürek
Esra Özyürek, “Turkish and Christian: Secularist Fears of a Converted Nation” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 29(3): 398-412, 2009.
Esra Özyürek, “‘The Light of Alevi fire was Lit in Germany and then spread to Turkey’: The Debate about the Relationship between Alevism and Islam” International Journal of Turkish Studies, March 2009.
Esra Özyürek, “Miniaturizing Atatürk: Privatization of the State Imagery and Ideology in Turkey” American Ethnologist, 31:3, 374-391, 2004.
Esra Özyürek, “Feeling Tells Better Than Language: Emotional Expression and Gender Hierarchy.’’ New Perspectives on Turkey, 16 (Summer): 41-52, 1997.