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Cambridge Interfaith Programme


A Common Word, issued in October 2007, is a statement of peace and friendship, signed by more than 130 Muslim scholars from all traditions, and addressed to Christian leaders around the world.

The response, in which the Cambridge Inter-Faith Programme has been deeply involved, has been phenomenal. To name just a few initiatives:

  • H.H. Pope Benedict XVI and sixty other leading Christian figures have responded to the document in the two years following its issue.
  • A Common Word has been the subject of major international conferences at Yale University, the University of Cambridge - facilitated by CIP, Lambeth Palace and Georgetown University.
  • Over 600 Articles—carried by thousands of press outlets—have been written about A Common Word in English alone.
  • Over 200,000 people have visited the Official Website of A Common Word.
  • Over 6000 people have ‘fully endorsed’ A Common Word online alone.

Read more about A Common Word at

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