Classes: 13:00 to 16:00 BST. | Zoom Saloon Time starts at 16:00 BST daily.
Week 1 | 4–8 July |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Day 1 Anthropological approaches to studying interfaith relations with Esra Özyürek |
Day 2 Interstellar & interfaith: meanings of life elsewhere in the universe with Andrew Davison |
Day 3 Scripture & violence: community interpretation and the realities of violence in religious texts with Julia Snyder |
Day 4 Gender, apocalypse, messiahs, and inter-religious relations with Tali Artman-Partock & Ruth Kara-Ivanov Kaniel |
Day 5 Archival approaches to Interfaith Relations (and a bit of book history) with Iona Hine |
Interactive |
Week 2 | 11–15 July |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Day 6 Inter-religious relations in South Asia with Hina Khalid |
Day 7 Visual Approaches to Interfaith Relations with Safet HadžiMuhamedović |
Day 8 Poetry and prayer across religious traditions with Giles Waller |
Day 9: Inter-religious, interfaith: questions, answers, puzzles |
Day 10: Scriptural Reasoning: Pilgrimage with Giles, Hina & Tali
Class portrait |
Part 2 Anthology Live with CIP Summer School Team |
Part 2 Further study in Interfaith Relations with convenors and guests |
Interactive |
Interactive |