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A page from the yearbook. Text explains that students were asked to identify or create images responding to the theme 'relations'. Below the explanation, there is a photograph of young adults holding signs at a World Interfaith Harmony event in Malaysia.

Browse the Yearbook created by our 2021 Summer School alumni.

This anthology is available to view online at

Please note: This flipbook edition is published on a commercial platform. It is free to access, but you may see adverts. If you have difficulty with the interactive version, you may use the image on this page as an alternative prompt.

Take a close look at the images on pages 14–16. Each of the images was chosen as a response to the theme ‘Relations’.

As you look, ask yourself:

  • What aspects of the theme are emphasised in this image?
  • Could this set of images illustrate a different theme?

Now close your eyes and recall one of the images: 

  • What words would you use to describe this image for someone who could not see it?

Now search online for images of ‘religion’.

  • What do you notice about the results?
  • What is highlighted?
  • Compared with your own understanding, how do the images show (or not show) important dimensions of religion(s)?

Throughout the Summer School, we will speak about and reflect on inter-religious relations. Ask yourself:

  • What images or words come to mind as you think about inter-religious relations?
  • Where and how do you see inter-religious relations where you live?
  • Is there a particular place or picture that captures this?

Submission: Send us a written response to this task (about 400 words). You may include up to three images with your response. This response should be attached in a separate document (with any images) when you submit your Application Form.

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