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Cambridge Interfaith Programme


Inspired by Dr Anastasia Badder’s research on Jewish supplementary education in Luxembourg and the interplay between literacy, citizenship, and community boundaries, CIP worked with Leo Baeck College to host a series of conversations at the intersection of language learning and religious education. The discussions demonstrated significant overlap between Muslim and Jewish experience, and illustrated the complexity of definitions vis-à-vis what makes language sacred. 

A community of interest formed around the topic and continues to correspond informally. Dr Badder and Dr Jo-Ann Myers (Leo Baeck) are editing a collected volume on the topic.

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The events (as advertised)

Reports and publications

Latest news

New study: Muslim masculinities

16 July 2024

Muslims are often stereotyped as oppressors of women. The stereotype is powerful enough to have produced targeted education for Muslim boys in Germany. In a new joint article for the journal Men and Masculinities, Esra Özyürek and Jacob Lypp document contradictions in the masculine ideal represented in such education.

Event report: Rupture and Reconciliation

10 July 2024

Last month, on June 14, 2024, CIP was glad to host a one-day student symposium entitled “Rupture and Reconciliation”. Lia Kornmehl and Dr. Hina Khalid, of the Faculty of...

Event report: The Homeric Centos as intercultural text

28 June 2024

On 19th June 2024, the Cambridge Interfaith Programme and the Faculty of Divinity hosted a book launch for Dr Anna Lefteratou’s recent monograph The Homeric Centos: Homer and...