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Cambridge Interfaith Programme

Venue - Cambridge Divinity Faculty

Would your research benefit from time in Cambridge? The Faculty of Divinity invites applications from scholars from developing countries for the next academic year.

Eligibility is determined with reference to the list of ODA recipients. Visits will be for a term (two to three months) during the academic year 2025–2026. The Faculty will pay for direct costs (see below). 

The deadline for applications is 15 February 2025.

The opportunity

The Faculty will offer the Visiting Scholar an academic ‘home’ in Cambridge, with the use of Faculty and University facilities, including libraries, computing, and common rooms, and entry to such lectures and seminars throughout the University as may interest you. In order to reflect the Faculty’s commitment to fostering spaces of diversity, this will be an opportunity for the scholar to share research with us and to engage with members of the Faculty.

The scholar will be expected to offer a seminar paper to Faculty members on their research in the course of the visit.

What costs are covered

The Faculty will cover all reasonable travel expenses, visa costs, and accommodation costs (up £7,500) for the scholar alone, as well as pay for the visiting scholar fee.


The visiting scholar should hold a PhD in the relevant field, and their research should align with the research strengths of the Faculty. The scholar might wish to identify a possible mentor among the Faculty teaching staff in the Faculty.

Selection of the eligible candidate will be based on the strength of their research and on its alignment with current Faculty interests.

More information

View the full call, including information about how to apply, on the Faculty of Divinity website.

Consult the ODA recipient list (via to check country eligibility.

Explore the Faculty’s resources, including academic staff and key research areas (via



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