The PDF course brochure includes information about how to apply for a bursary.
The information below reflects arrangements for our 2022 Summer School, which was delivered online.
Why attend this course?
- Study with University of Cambridge professors and lecturers
- A comprehensive, in-depth academic course addressing inter-religious relations from different disciplinary perspectives, including anthropology, philosophy, theology, history and comparative study
- Taught online with students from across the world
- Timetable to include an information session on further study at the University of Cambridge, an introduction to Scriptural Reasoning, and hands-on experience with different methods and approaches
- Bursary scheme
- Optional one-to-one follow up meeting with the CIP Programme Manager to discuss your next steps (available to Summer School alumni)
Early bird discount
A 25% discount was available for applications received by 30 April.
How to apply
Use the left-hand menu to find further information, or download a complete brochure and application form below (from 18 March).
You can also watch highlights from an online question and answer session (recorded Tuesday 26 April).
Download the 2022 Summer School course brochure
Download the Terms and conditions
We ask that everyone read the Terms and Conditions before submitting an application.