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Cambridge Interfaith Programme

Read more at: New study: Muslim masculinities
A Muslim man holding his hands together

New study: Muslim masculinities

16 July 2024

Muslims are often stereotyped as oppressors of women. The stereotype is powerful enough to have produced targeted education for Muslim boys in Germany. In a new joint article for the journal Men and Masculinities, Esra Özyürek and Jacob Lypp document contradictions in the masculine ideal represented in such education.

Read more at: Event report: Rupture and Reconciliation
Paving stones with crack where a plant grows

Event report: Rupture and Reconciliation

10 July 2024

Last month, on June 14, 2024, CIP was glad to host a one-day student symposium entitled “Rupture and Reconciliation”. Lia Kornmehl and Dr. Hina Khalid, of the Faculty of Divinity, came together to convene an interdisciplinary forum for scholarly conversations on these distinct, though interrelated, motifs. The panels...

Read more at: Event report: The Homeric Centos as intercultural text
The three guests seated in front of a slide, Dr Lefteratou standing at lectern, Professor Van Kooten chairing questions.

Event report: The Homeric Centos as intercultural text

28 June 2024

On 19th June 2024, the Cambridge Interfaith Programme and the Faculty of Divinity hosted a book launch for Dr Anna Lefteratou’s recent monograph The Homeric Centos: Homer and Bible interwoven (Oxford University Press, 2023). The event attracted a sizeable audience on site in Cambridge and was also livestreamed via Zoom. A...

Read more at: Diverse identities, shared values—an address to the incoming government

Diverse identities, shared values—an address to the incoming government

27 June 2024

“The knowledge and practice embodied in our religious and belief communities are integral to proactively creating the strong and resilient relationships required for the immense challenges that lie ahead. We therefore seek, and indeed claim the right, to bring our ideas and insights, along with others, to the policy-making...

Read more at: New research: A Christian psalter in the Cairo Genizah
Photograph of manuscript fragment, complete with GRU catalogue number

New research: A Christian psalter in the Cairo Genizah

13 June 2024

The Cairo Genizah preserved documents spanning more than 1000 years of Jewish history. But its contents represent considerably more. In a new open-access study, Dr Nick Posegay reports on the survival of fragments from a Christian Arabic Psalter. This psalter manuscript, Posegay argues, was produced in the late 9th or...

Read more at: Event report | The Art of Peace—Sir David Khalili on coexistence and intercultural exchange
Sir David Khalili standing at lectern, mid-lecture

Event report | The Art of Peace—Sir David Khalili on coexistence and intercultural exchange

11 June 2024

On Thursday 23 May, the Cambridge Interfaith Programme welcomed Professor Sir David Khalili for a keynote lecture exploring “The Art of Peace”. Over the course of 50 minutes, Sir David reflected on his life story and the myriad ways in which his art collecting has enhanced inter-cultural communication and understanding...

Read more at: Conference report | Being with Water Otherwise
Safet stands at lectern, in foreground the conference programme is visible

Conference report | Being with Water Otherwise

14 May 2024

The conference Being with Water OTHERWISE (April 15-16, 2024) brought together scholars, practitioners, and activists from diverse backgrounds to explore the intricate intersections of religion, water, and sustainability. Over the course of two days, participants engaged in thought-provoking discussions, presentations, and...

Read more at: Call for papers: Seeing Muslimness

Call for papers: Seeing Muslimness

28 March 2024

An interdisciplinary conference for scholars, researchers, and practitioners, co-convened by Madiha Noman—a PhD student in the Faculty of English and affiliate of the Cambridge Interfaith Research Forum—and Abdul Sabur Kidwai of King’s College London. Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2024.

Read more at: Event report: Celebrating South Asia’s sonic spaces
A glinting border & henna-like design surrounds the event title

Event report: Celebrating South Asia’s sonic spaces

18 March 2024

Earlier this month, Hina Khalid and Ankur Barua co-hosted a Mehfil— a “gathering to entertain or praise”, to extend students’ exposure to South Asian soundscapes. The event was supported by the Cambridge Interfaith Research Forum’s small grant scheme. They report back: On a sunny Friday afternoon, the Lightfoot Room...

Read more at: Exploring religion and economic development

Exploring religion and economic development

15 March 2024

In January, Professor Sriya Iyer began work on the Social Consequences of Religion initiative, a multistrand programme from the Templeton Religion Trust. Iyer is leading scoping work on Religion and Economic Development, courtesy of a $260,000 landscaping grant. The following news item was first published by the Faculty of...

Latest news

New study: Muslim masculinities

16 July 2024

Muslims are often stereotyped as oppressors of women. The stereotype is powerful enough to have produced targeted education for Muslim boys in Germany. In a new joint article for the journal Men and Masculinities, Esra Özyürek and Jacob Lypp document contradictions in the masculine ideal represented in such education.

Event report: Rupture and Reconciliation

10 July 2024

Last month, on June 14, 2024, CIP was glad to host a one-day student symposium entitled “Rupture and Reconciliation”. Lia Kornmehl and Dr. Hina Khalid, of the Faculty of...

Event report: The Homeric Centos as intercultural text

28 June 2024

On 19th June 2024, the Cambridge Interfaith Programme and the Faculty of Divinity hosted a book launch for Dr Anna Lefteratou’s recent monograph The Homeric Centos: Homer and...