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Cambridge Interfaith Programme


Monday 5 September, 7pm, Selwyn College

Preceded by the Anniversary reception. (Those who wish to attend the reception and not the dinner should book via Eventbrite.)

All diners will be served a three-course meal, with options of fish, vegetarian or vegan. The food will be accompanied by a selection of wine or cordial, as indicated below.  You will select your food and drink options when booking. If you have additional dietary requirements not covered by your choices you should communicate this at the time of booking. 

Hors d'oeuvres

Fish: Salmon ceviche with pink peppercorn, dill crème fraiche and mixed salad leaves

Vegetarian: Indian-spiced cauliflower bhajis with roasted cauliflower, mango purée and yoghurt sauce

Vegan: Indian-spiced cauliflower bhajis with roasted cauliflower, mango purée and vegan yoghurt sauce

Paired with: 

Pinot Grigio Rosato, IGT, Villa Garducci, Veneto, Italy 2017
Or a selected Norfolk cordial. 


Fish: Poached sea trout
with Hollandaise sauce and pickled fennel salad

For the vegetarians:
Creamy beetroot risotto
with shaved parmesan and chopped dill

Creamy beetroot risotto with chopped dill

Paired with:

Pinot Gris Reserva, Apaltagua, San Antonio, Chile 2018
Or a selected Norfolk cordial


Chocolate Marquise
with crème fraiche and raspberries

Vegan alternative: Fruit sorbet.

Paired with:

Selwyn College Port
or a selected Norfolk cordial

Book dinner (via the University's online store)

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