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Cambridge Interfaith Programme


CIP is delighted to invite you to the international symposium 'The Khiḍr Dialogues: Leaps of Faith, Religious Encounters & Shared Sacred Landscapes ' on 6 May 2021, online from 10:30 to 18:30 BST. 


During the symposium, we will inaugurate 'Shared Sacred Landscapes', an exhibition of photography. Further information is available at Click here to register. 


Symposium programme

10:30-10:50 – Safet HadžiMuhamedović (University of Cambridge)

Welcome & Inauguration of the Shared Sacred Landscapes Exhibition


Panel 1 | Sharing & Separation 

11:00 – 11:20 – Yogesh Snehi (Ambedkar University)

Embedded Sacred Contours of Punjabi Sufi Shrines


11:30-11:50 – Glenn Bowman (University of Kent)

The al-Khidr, Prophet Elias and St. George Conjunction: The Knitting of Communities and the Agents of Their Unravelling


12:00-12:20 – Tom Selwyn (SOAS University of London)

Two Women of Bethlehem: Biblical Lessons from Rachel and Ruth about Separate and Shared Sacred Spaces 


12:30-12:55 – Break (& a visit to the exhibition)


Panel 2 | Modes of Sharing in Discourse & Practice

13:00-13:20 – Ioan Cozma (Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome), Maria Chiara Giorda (Roma Tre University) and Silvia Omenetto (University of Rome ‘Sapienza’)

Sharing Religious Places: Theory, Categories, Historical (and Present-day) Case Studies 


13:30-13:50 – Bojan Baskar (University of Ljubljana)

Sharing the Poet, Sharing the Saint?


14:00-14:20 – Dionigi Albera (IDEMEC, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University)

Modes of Sharing and Forms of Spatiality at St George Monastery in Büyükada (Istanbul)


14:30-14:55 – Break 


Panel 3 | Contours & Ripples of Sharing

15:00 – Emrah Gökdemir (painter, filmmaker, graphic designer & performance artist)

What Khidr Says to Moses: Turn Around Me (short film, 8’33’’, 2015)

15:20-15:40 – Yael Navaro (University of Cambridge) 

Khidr Among Others: Socialism, Secularism and the Supernatural in Arab Alawi Spheres in Turkey


15:50-16:10 – Ethel Sara Wolper (University of New Hampshire)

Shared Saints and Divided Landscapes: Shared Saints and the Memory of Mosul


16:20-16:35 – Break 


Panel 4 | Encounters & Metamorphoses

16:40-17:00 – Yuri Stoyanov (SOAS University of London)

The Shared Religious Landscape of the North East Balkan Bektāshī Tekke of Ak Yazılı Baba and its Modern Syncretistic Transmutations


17:10-17:30 – Manoël Pénicaud (IDEMEC, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University) 

Turbalı Sultan Baba in Thessaly (Greece): A Former Christian Monastery Converted to a Bektashi Tekke


17:40-18:00 – Jens Kreinath (Wichita State University)

Is al-Khiḍr comparable to the Green Man? Tracing Moments of Intercultural Encounters across the Mediterranean


18:10-18:20 – Safet HadžiMuhamedović (University of Cambridge)

Closing remarks


The Shared Sacred Landscapes project is supported by the Public Engagement Starter Fund, University of Cambridge and based in the Cambridge Inter-Faith Programme, Faculty of Divinity. For more information, get in touch with Dr Safet HadžiMuhamedović

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