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Cambridge Interfaith Programme

The headquarters of Cambridge Interfaith Programme at the University of Cambridge

Cambridge Interfaith Programme is pleased to invite applications for our 2022 Academic Summer School. The Summer School will run from Monday 4 July to Friday 15 July, with online timetabled sessions supplemented by unscheduled activities for participants to complete independently. An early bird discount (25%) is available for those applying before the end of April.

This is an opportunity to study with University of Cambridge professors and lecturers, guided by academic convenors from the Faculty of Divinity’s dedicated interfaith programme. The team offer a comprehensive, in-depth and interactive course addressing interreligious relations from different disciplinary perspectives, including anthropology, philosophy, theology, history and comparative study.

This year’s timetable includes an introduction to Scriptural Reasoning, hands-on experience with different methods and approaches, and an information session on opportunities for further study.

The course is open to anyone with a genuine curiosity about the subject matter, though the ability to read academic texts in English will be beneficial. Our previous cohort included students, researchers, practitioners and faith leaders, spanning 5 continents. This year, we have adapted the timetable, based on their feedback, with all core sessions intended to run between 1pm and 4pm BST (UTC+1).

New bursary scheme

This year, CIP is pleased to introduce a bursary scheme, offering an 80% fee reduction. A minimum of 5 places have been reserved for bursary applicants.

CIP Programme Manager, Dr Iona Hine, a co-convenor of this year's Summer School explains:

“We are delighted to introduce a transparent bursary scheme, and ensure there is space for an increasingly diverse range of learners. As initiatives like our Religion and Global Challenges podcast make clear, we want to involve as many voices as possible in the dialogue about what’s significant in interfaith and inter-religious relations.”

What can the 2022 participants expect?

“We’ve listened to the feedback from last year’s students. We were blessed with a group who weren't shy to highlight areas where we had room for improvement. Everyone was ready to recommend the experience to friends, and the main concern was that we were aiming to spend a little too much time together online each day.

“We know that online learning is accessible to a wide range of people, including those with caring responsibilities, or those who would struggle to travel long distances. We are confident that the revised schedule—with three hours [per day] of core online content—offers the best of both worlds: online, but not too much!

“On behalf of all our convenors, and the wider teaching team, we very much look forward to welcoming a new cohort.”

Full information about the programme, is available online and as a PDF brochure to download

There is limited capacity on this programme. Places will be allocated as applications are processed. If you are keen to join us, please apply soon to maximise your chance to secure a place.

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