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Cambridge Interfaith Programme

Hands held open, as if to catch a drop of water

This is the first of three workshops during UK Inter Faith Work, exploring preliminary findings from CIP research on water use and faith.

Combining a hands-on approach to thinking about the water cycle, with an open discussion about religion and water, this is a community-friendly workshop.

Those who have participated in the research and others interested in the conversation are welcome at this event. Lead researcher Dr Anastasia Badder will share emergent findings and invite responses.


NB This is part of a research project and we will seek the informed consent of all participants. A participant information sheet is available to download and view in advance (for those who tell us they plan to attend) and at the session. Paper copies will be provided to all who attend.

Download the Participant Information Sheet (PDF)

Thursday, 16 November, 2023 - 18:00 to 19:30
Event location: 
Cambridge Central Mosque, Mill Road

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