In session four, the Religion and Ecology reading group will discuss Anne Rademacher’s Reigning the River: urban ecologies and political transformation in Kathmandu (Duke University Press, 2011).
A powerful story about the multiple actors, visions, and possibilities for action entangled around an exposed riverbed in Nepal, Rademacher’s text invites us to consider the ways in which the political and ecological are always already mutually implicated.
Accessing the reading
Members of the University of Cambridge can access the book via iDiscover. Paperback and eBook editions are available to purchase (from 15.99 GBP), and the opening passages may be sampled for free via most eReaders.
View Reigning the River on the publisher’s website for further information (
Joining the discussion
We will meet online. All are welcome.
If this is your first session, please contact Dr Anastasia Badder for Zoom details (via