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Cambridge Interfaith Programme

A pale golden wooden door with a shell-like arch-pattern above it

Join the audience as five Cambridge Divinity students take turns to outline current or anticipated research, spanning diverse dimensions of socio-religious interaction in/on South Asian landscapes.

Guest convenor Dr Saad Ismail will offer reflections, before presenting his own work-in-progress as director of Project Noon, a forum promoting Hindu–Muslim dialogue.

About the guest convenor

A recipient of the Cambridge-Hamied Visiting Lecture Scheme (2024), Dr Saad Ismail is based at Aligarh Muslim University, India. He is interested in problematizing naive representations of religion in the public space, while seeking to sensitively retrieve the complexity of premodern theological registers and narratives of the self and the other in South Asia.

About this event

This event is co-hosted by Dr Ankur Barua under the umbrella of the Cambridge Interfaith Research Forum. Dr Barua’s collaborations with Project Noon include last year’s 10-part summer course, introducing Hinduism for Muslim audiences.

Featured image: Detail from a doorway in Jaipur, photographed by Annie Spratt (2018) and licensed via

Friday, 10 May, 2024 - 16:00 to 17:30
Event location: 
Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge

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