Coordinated by Dr Giles Waller as part of the Inter-religious Research Seminar series, for UK Inter Faith Week.
Aligning with our research on Water efficiency in faith and diverse communities, this SR session will have a watery theme.
What is Scriptural Reasoning?
Facilitators from different communities of faith select and comment upon a short passage from their holy scriptures—in this instance, passages from the Torah, New Testament, and Qur‘an, before inviting all present to engage in a constructive discussion about the texts’ resonance (separately and together). The apparently simple practice of meeting together to discuss one another's scriptures has proven to be a memorable experience for previous participants.
This session is intended principally for students and researchers at the Faculty of Divinity, members of the Cambridge Interfaith Research Forum, and partner institutions. If you are unsure whether you should attend, please contact Dr Waller in the first instance.
Advisory: research-in-progress
Please note: With participants’ consent, Dr Anastasia Badder, lead researcher on the above-mentioned Water project, will be taking notes on this discussion as part of her work gathering information on religious attitudes to water. A participant information sheet will be made available to download in advance of the session, with paper copies provided to those who attend.
Not in Cambridge?
The pack of texts we will discuss is available as a PDF download. If you engage with it, we will be glad to have your feedback.
Guidance about facilitating Scriptural Reasoning sessions can be found at